. A . m i n d . t h a t . w o r k s . b a c k w a r d s .
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Hallway 14 when those words were yelled out that meant that you had to jump out of bed put on your thongs rip the sheets of your bed and run in the halway with the sheets over your sholder then you yell your number you work your way down the hall a person at a time, then you have 15 min to make your bed then have a shave. The worst thing is you have to try and squeeze past 38 other guys to get to the basin then you have to go and get your uniform on, Then it is time for breakfast you have about 15 min you have to line up and dish your own food then sit down and eat it as fast as you can, then you head back to the lines and go and clean your teeth, and get into morning duties. I was room leader which meant that my morning duties were to sweep the floor in our room and then I have to dust then I had to check the beds and open the windows and clean the desk. then we would head off and do different things such as go to the classroom and listen to sombody give a lecture or sometimes we would practice with weapons or we sometimes did drill it was all challenging. In the third week we went out bush for 5 days and we did a fair bit of patroling and it was really good but hard you are walking up a hill then you hear some gunfire you dive for some cover, after we got back from the bush we had a few days of drill then we had our march out which was good because it meant that we could leave. the next day after marchout I caught a bus to the airport and then flew to Melbourne and the caught a bus back to Ballarat, and then Kelly came and picked me up from the bus station and took me to KFC. It was the first junk food for a month it was great.
Sincerly Mattalex